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Male, 25, hubei

Education: bachelor degree

Working lives: within 1 year

Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: the Java software development engineer

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Highly effective composed inside collect Sunshine is bright

Working experience (worked for 10 months, did the 1 job)

Mr Sheng interconnection technology development (wuhan) co., LTD

Working time: March to January (10 months)

Job title: Java development engineer

Work content: responsible for the company's app background development and maintenance

Education experience

Graduated in July Jianghan university liberal arts college automation

Self description

I as a programmer

1: a tolerance for solitude, accept the challenge.

2: self-study ability is strong, like to study new technology and face difficulties and challenges, has a good ability to analyze and solve problems.

3: listens to the opinions of others, the personality is bright, can quickly into a new collective.

4: a serious and responsible work, positive attitude, can bear hardships and stand hard work, has the good professional quality.



Male, 24, The cantonese

Education: college

Working years: 1 to 2 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - tianhe - there is no limit

Objective: PHP development engineer | building/construction

Ability to perform The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Composed inside collect Sunshine is bright

Work experience (work for 11 months, do 2 job)

Guangzhou collect information technology co., LTD

Working time: in May 2016 to December 2016 (7 months)

Job title: PHP programmer

Guangzhou Trojan information technology co., LTD

Working hours: between January 2016 and May 2016 (4 months)

Job title: PHP programmer

Education experience

In January 2017 Guangdong light industry professional technology institute mold design and manufacturing

篇3:软件开发 英文简历

所修专业: 软件工程 出生日期: 1988-6-30

毕业院校: 河北师范大学 民 族: 汉族

最高学历: 本科 籍 贯: 河北省承德市

毕业日期: 7月 户口所在: 河北省承德市


职位类型:全职 期望职位:计算机软

期望月薪:1000-元 期望地点:北京市


工作勤奋,逻辑清晰。积极乐观,善于创新。有耐心,乐于向别人请教。有冷静的判断力,敢于质疑。拥有良好的团队合作、协调和沟通能力,具备一定的组织以及管理能力。 英语能力:有较好的听说读写能力,能够阅读相关的英文文档。 逻辑分析:逻辑分析能力较为突出,能够清晰透彻的分析问题,判断问题并做出正确的决策。 自学能力:自学能力较强,具有很强的求知欲,能够及时更新自己的.知识库,了解最新的信息。


/09 -- /07: 河北首途软件科技有限公司 软件开发c++项目组 软件工程师 在一年的实习期中,担任C++项目组成员,完全参与企业该时期的三大项目,所完成工作得到领导一致好评,积累了丰富的实际项目经验和各项开发技能。


2010/05 -- 2010/07:Helium(Container部分) 责任描述:参与需求分析与详细功能文档的设计。制作程序的安装与更新程序(InstallShield)。 项目描述:Windows平台下软件管理程序,开发界面层供用户进行操作以及逻辑层提供数据交互。 2010/02 -- 2010/04:Helium(Demo部分) 责任描述:参与需求分析与详细功能文档的设计,实现UI拖拽功能等大部分操作功能。 项目描述:Windows平台下播放器程序,开发界面层供用户进行操作以及逻辑层提供数据交互。


2009/09 -- 2009/10:河北省首途软件科技有限公司 培训课程:岗前培训 培训地点:石家庄

证 书

2009/11: 普通话等级证书 证书说明: 普通话二级甲等证书,拥有当老师的资格


c语言、c#、| 熟练 | 24个月 c++(MFC) | 精通 | 36个月


电大学生自我鉴定范文         个人鉴定样本        个人鉴定怎么写?       应届生自我鉴定范文






Gender :

Registered residence : Nationality :

Age :

Nowaday location : Stature :

Card type :

Career Will

School : Hainan Normal University

Major/Curriculum : Politics

Start working : Within 1 week

Target job position :System Testing QA Project Managaer Reliability Engeneer

Desired salary : 8000~9000Yuan/Month

Target location : Shenzhen Guangdong Dongguan Guangdong

Work experience : 5 years ,10 months Work Experiences

Profession experience :

Language level : English:CET-4

Computer skills : Excellent

Vocational skill/specialty : 1. 6 years experiences on reliability test area for products as Phone,Notebook,Netbook,Pad and All In One computer product.

2. Can draft test specifications,test criterion,training test operator and manage lab.

Self assessment : 1. Confident,Sincerity and Humorous, have good communication and coordination skills,

2. Have a wide interest, such as sporting,reading,music poetry and so on…


Time School Major/Curriculum Education/Training

-9To-7 Hainan Normal University Politics Bachelor Degree

Work Experience

(the company name has been screened) (-6 To Present)

Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise

Company profession : Manufacturing

Position name : Reliability Engineer

Monthly salary : Secrecy

Work description : 1. Know well on Motorola mobile phone projects reliability test.

Mechanical section: vibration test, drop test, dust test, loading test, squeeze test, purse test, red dye test, cocktail test, oleic acid test, RCA test, pencil hardness testing, ball drop test, flip life test, keyboard life test,keyboard tactility test,interface life test.etc.

Environmental section: thermal shock test, temperature and humidity test, salt spray test, solar test and so on.

Electronic section: Signal testing, SQE test, EMI testing, Bluetooth test, GPS test, Parametric test, ESD test, Camera test and etc…

Material section: Use microscope and X-ray machine for the Metal and Plastic parts’ film thickness analysis and size section analysis.

2. Hold a new project kick off meeting, to discuss hidden problems with RD in the design stage. Review the problems by weekly,and require RD provide final solutions.Forecast the follow up reliability test possible issues, and keep tracing countermeasures from RD.

3. Prepare test related files,specification and test fixtures. Confirm test samples’ quantity, and test schedule.When testing ongoing,updates test status and schedule to customer regularly. Issue accured,report detailed symptoms and errors to customer in time and hold issue tracing meeting with RD until it was resolved.

4. Summarized issue happend history and final solutions for RD/PE department’s reference, avoid similar problems occurred again.

Reason for quit : Factory Transfer to North of China

(the company name has been screened) (2006-8 To 2011-5)

Company nature : Taiwan-funded Enterprise

Company profession : Computers(Hardware、Network Device)

Position name : Reliability Engineer

Monthly salary : Secrecy

Work description : 1. Acted as HP Notebook/Vodafone Pad/NEC AlO PC Project Manager,leading reliability test for new project from design stage to mass production stage.

2. Familiar with Notebook/Netbook/Pad/AIO PC reliability test principle and test process. according customers’ requirements and control plan, decides test items,test samples,and test schedule.supervises testers reliability testing whether correctly,make a judgment to the test result, review the test report and reply to customers in time.




Miss Nationality: China

Current residence: Panyu District National: Han

Domicile: Guangzhou stature: 163 cm 45 kg

Marital status: Single Age: 22

Job search intention and work experience

Talent Type: graduates

Position: HR Specialist / Assistant, staff performance appraisal

Job Type: All Date Available: Three months later

Salary requirements: more hope Working Area: Guangzhou

Work Experience

Company Name: Talent Market

Beginning and ending date :-03 ~ 2013-06

Positions: Intern

Job Description: A total of 2000 batch processing personnel files turned; responsible graduates database updating and archiving;

Enterprises and institutions to positive change level wages, including payroll printing, follow-up seal, updating the database;


During college, I served as Deputy Minister of Youth League research, class school committee, the league secretary. During my time as administered by the Deputy Minister of Youth League during the investigation, the human resources department is mainly responsible for the management and research training forum, led the team to participate in the school Work Group research assessment competitions and other research projects, so I have the human resources management and research experience. Served as league secretary during the tour branch won the “League branch,” so I am confident that my management skills and interpersonal affinity.

Meanwhile, in the extra time, I also participated in the Canton Fair, Guangdong Science Center, special education schools, libraries and other volunteer services Whampoa. Through volunteer service, and I know even more giving, gratitude, but also gain the team's friendship. In any field, to help others should be its own duties.

Volunteer experience

Company Name: Fair

Beginning and ending date :-09

Positions: Volunteers

Job Description: In order to guide the direction of foreign guests, answer questions

Educational Background

School: South China Normal University

Highest Level of Education: Bachelor

Graduation date : -06-01

By Major: Human Resource Management


Basic CV

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Maoming tall: 168 cm ? 58 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Automotive: Automotive Inspection and maintenance test market sales / marketing type of machinery spare parts sales / equipment category cartographers, Class of manufacturing operations

Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: Negotiable hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal experience: Dixon pass during .5.1 phone shop part-time clerk

Dixon 2006.10.1 pass during the leaflets phone shop part-time

.7-2007.9 Tianjin factory auto repair mechanic was Yuet

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Tianjin Institute of Electrical and Mechanical

Highest level of education: college graduates - -06-01

Studies by one: the vehicle inspection and maintenance of two studies: cartographer

By education and training experience: 2008.6 Tianjin Institute of Electrical and vehicle inspection and maintenance, cartographer

2006.3-2006.4 Tianjin Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Machine Operator training

2006.10-2006.12 Tianjin Institute of Electrical and Mechanical CAD Drawing

2006.10-2006.12 Tianjin Institute of Electrical and Automotive Training

2007.3-2007.5 Tianjin Institute of Electrical and vehicle repair workshop High Training

Obtain the certificate:

1, a vehicle repair workshop B2 senior驾证

2, cartographer (Intermediate)

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of good Cantonese: proficient

The ability to work and other expertise

Ground I asked to learn, work conscientiously, enthusiasm, a strong sense of responsibility, good spirit of cooperation. To the principle of continuous improvement. Have a stronger ability to practice and research and analysis, communication skills, strong, optimistic, progressive, can be hard, fear or frustration, vowed on the target, to be creative and collective efforts for their own work! For the future to create more wealth and make unremitting efforts!

Detailed personal autobiography

Personality characteristics: self-confident, optimistic, sincere and stable.

Personal Contact



Basic CV

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Shaoguan tall: 167 cm ? 57 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 26 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Electronics / posts and telecommunications / communications categories: software development software development of electronic (ARM / MCU ...) communication technology engineers / technicians

Work Experience: 1 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangdong Province

Personal experience: Moses days 2007/4-2007/12 Zhongshan digital software software engineer

Is a solution provider MP3/MP4. Its products are mostly used MCU Sunplus Rockchip SPDA2000 and micro-26XX series. My duty is to MP3/MP4 with the development and maintenance of software to meet functional requirements. Because I wanted to develop in Guangzhou, Therefore, Zhongshan left. (specific tasks are: to achieve MP3/MP4 with C programming keys I2C driver modifications, etc.).

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Maoming College

Highest level of education: graduate - 2007-07-01

The Science I: Electronic and Information Engineering (software development) of two studies:

By education and training experience: -2007 Maoming College of Electronics and Information Engineering Undergraduate

Language ability

Foreign Language: English Excellent

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Good

The ability to work and other expertise

Capabilities and expertise:

1, have a good command of English reading and writing skills;

2, KEIL C master software platform, 80C51 single-chip, DSP5402, I2C programming;

3, computer competent, proficient in C language, proficiency in MATLAB language, assembly language

, Proficiency in a variety of operating systems: WINDOWS series, LINUX.

4, are familiar with LINUX programming (MAKEFIEL documentation, GCC use)

5 to understand the LINUX kernel, LINUX driver prepared;

Detailed personal autobiography

My name is xx minutes in Shaoguan in Guangdong, and in 2007 graduated from the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Maoming. University is very popular on the electronic software technology, a master 8051 and DSP5402. I am a positive and motivated, optimistic, generous, passionate and full of people. My goal is to find a stable job, start with low salaries and experience, learning and mastering new technology, but also make its own contribution to enterprise, and enterprises to achieve their own win-win situation.

Personal Contact


responsibilities and achievements:

t-systems***script center

period: 9/XX―present

receiving software packages from t-systems*** script center.

repackage the applications followed the customers’ requesting.

add customized settings in repackaged applications.

work environment: wise package studio and vmware esx.

t-systems china internal it

period: 8/XX―present

landesk management suit 8.7 senior administrator

os deployment

1. design an image-originated os deployment process.

2. integrated vnc into win pe make easier for remote control and troubleshooting.

3. create a hardware independent image to fit all model laptop and desktop.

4. this image integrated all standard applications and settings.

5. all deployment process user unattended.

software distribution

1. push applications to clients remotely.

2. all applications repackaged into msi files.

asset inventory

inventory hardware and software asset via landesk.

software license monitoring

1. track product license.

2. deny restricted software.

remote control


generate a wide variety of specialized reports that provide critical information about the devices.

t-mobile shenzhen office it service

deploy clients os by using t-systems standard image remotely.

manage shenzhen clients via landesk.

repackage shenzhen software applications (exe,msi) to standard msi and mst file.

t-systems taicang medium enterprise project support engineer.

deploy windows os (windows xp, windows 7, windows server XX and windows server XX) based microsoft free deployment platform mdtXX.

design image deploy via mdtXX

resolve hal issue while deploy windows image

modify mdtXX deployment script to fit users’ reqirement

internal it encryption project

period: 4/XX-11/XX

encrypt users’ data using professional software named finally secure enterprise edition.

main role: project manager

technical knowledge transfer and delivery to all onsite engineers. training for service desk agents who involved in this project.

internal it daily maintenance

period: 9/XX―present

it room device maintenance

write power shell script to manage it relatedwork

1. transfer user’s account from administrators group to power users group remotely.

2. backup server’s data periodicity.

3. retrieve users’ domain information.

4. remote add printer.

XX.7-XX.9 ***

volume support

responsibilities and achievements:

hardware technical support for *** proliant server, blade server, storage works and tape libraries.

implement remote deployment pack for blade server os deployment.

provide on-site troubleshoot service where necessary .

case log system support and maintenance.

temporary field support for other projects .












Basic CV

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Shaoguan tall: 167 cm ? 57 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 26 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Electronics / posts and telecommunications / communications categories: software development software development of electronic (ARM / MCU ...) communication technology engineers / technicians

Work Experience: 1 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 2000 - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangdong Province

Personal experience: Moses days 2007/4-2007/12 Zhongshan digital software software engineer

Is a solution provider MP3/MP4. Its products are mostly used MCU Sunplus Rockchip SPDA2000 and micro-26XX series. My duty is to MP3/MP4 with the development and maintenance of software to meet functional requirements. Because I wanted to develop in Guangzhou, Therefore, Zhongshan left. (specific tasks are: to achieve MP3/MP4 with C programming keys I2C driver modifications, etc.).

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Maoming College

Highest level of education: graduate - 2007-07-01

The Science I: Electronic and Information Engineering (software development) of two studies:

By education and training experience: 2003-2007 Maoming College of Electronics and Information Engineering Undergraduate

Language ability

Foreign Language: English Excellent

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Good

The ability to work and other expertise

Capabilities and expertise:

1, have a good command of English reading and writing skills;

2, KEIL C master software platform, 80C51 single-chip, DSP5402, I2C programming;

3, computer competent, proficient in C language, proficiency in MATLAB language, assembly language

, Proficiency in a variety of operating systems: WINDOWS series, LINUX.

4, are familiar with LINUX programming (MAKEFIEL documentation, GCC use)

5 to understand the LINUX kernel, LINUX driver prepared;

Detailed personal autobiography

My name is xx minutes in Shaoguan in Guangdong, and in 2007 graduated from the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Maoming. University is very popular on the electronic software technology, a master 8051 and DSP5402. I am a positive and motivated, optimistic, generous, passionate and full of people. My goal is to find a stable job, start with low salaries and experience, learning and mastering new technology, but also make its own contribution to enterprise, and enterprises to achieve their own win-win situation.

Personal Contact

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